New to planning an educational event? It is important that you answer the following questions before you get started. Knowing some basic guidelines will ensure that the planning process can proceed a little more effortlessly.

Is this program going to be awarding continuing medical education credits?

Yes – Accreditation is our specialty! Continue reading for quick tips on accreditation. For more information on accreditation visit Event Accreditation here.

No – We can still help design and facilitate your live or online event, see services we offer below.

What are the requirements of the planning committee?

For accredited events, members of the planning committee must reflect the target audience and declare any conflict of interest prior to the planning process. It is essential that the program is based on an assessment of the needs of the target audience and the objectives of the program are a reflection of those needs.

Can the University of Manitoba accredit both Royal College and CFPC credits?

Yes. The CPD Medicine program may assign Section 1 MOC Royal College credits and CFPC Mainpro + certified credits to successful applicants. However, a designated member of the CPD Medicine program must have substantial involvement in the planning of the event for any CFPC credit allocation.

What services does CPD offer?

We can help you with:

  • Online registrations, fee payment, and attendance tracking
  • Promotion for your event
  • Venue booking and setup
  • Catering coordination for in person educational events
  • Budget planning and financial management
  • Program and speaker evaluations

CPD Planning Process

This video provides a quick overview of the steps involved in planning a CPD event, and how we can help you:

Ready to get started?

Continuing professional development events come in an array of program designs. Whether it’s a small skills workshop, a multi-day conference, or an online learning program, we are here to help you with your educational event management needs. Click below to get started, or contact the accreditation team by email or phone at 204-789-3660, for more information.