November 18, 2023          9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Livestream Online Only)


Advanced periodontal therapy includes a wide range of procedures, from non-surgical therapy, including adjuncts to scaling and root planing, to periodontal access and plastic surgery. What is the role of the general dentist, the dental assistant and the dental hygienist in advanced periodontal therapy? Participants will learn tips for effective non-surgical periodontal therapy that can easily include in their practice. They will also learn about available adjuncts to scaling and root planing and discuss their effectiveness.  Finally, they will learn about the available surgical periodontal procedure and discuss their indications.

Learning Objectives

Speaker (s)

Chrysi Stavropoulou  DDS, MDent(Perio), FRCD(C)

Dr Chrysi Stavropoulou, current Acting Graduate Periodontics Program Director and Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba, graduated from the National and Capodistrial University of Athens in Greece as a scholar of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, in 2013. Her passion for Periodontology led her in Winnipeg, where she obtained her Master of Dentistry in Periodontics from the University of Manitoba, in 2018. During her residency, Dr Stavropoulou was awarded with the Dr John (Jack) Neilson Research Award and received funds in support of her clinical research. She presented her research in multiple scientific meetings in North America and was the first author of a scientific paper published at the Journal of Periodontology. Dr Stavropoulou entered the Academia, as Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba, in 2019. Her research interests include oral-systemic relationships and peri-implantitis. She currently holds a grant from Manitoba Medical Service Foundation for her research on peri-implant diseases. Dr Stavropoulou practices as a periodontist one day a week. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentist of Canada.

In her leisure time, Dr Stavropoulou enjoys dancing and cycling. She also likes traveling and exploring different cultures.




Study Credits

This course provides up to 3 hours of Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Credits.

Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry, University of Manitoba Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026. Provider ID# 214210. Subject Code 490.