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  • Apr 28, 20178:00 am - 5:00 pm


Venue:   RBC Convention Centre

RBC Convention Centre

375 York Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Register now for the AFMC CPD Retreat!   Please scroll down to access your FREE ticket.


Mock Event Accreditation Exercise: How did we do?

Online Version: Mock accreditation

Presented by Drs Vincent Jobin and Jeff Sisler

This exercise is presently being completed by all 17 of our University CPD units.  How did evaluations differ from university to university?  Come and find out!  We’ll follow this with a discussion about whether we should do this kind of CQI exercise regularly in our community

Research and Scholarship in CPD:
Unlocking the potential

With our special guests Dr. Tanya Horsley (Royal College) and Dr. Glenn Regehr (Centre for Health Education Scholarship, UBC)

What are the opportunities for us in pursing scholarship in CPD?  What are the structures and partnerships needed to succeed?  How can we meet the CACME expectations (Standard 2.5) in this area?  Please join us for two excellent keynotes and practical discussion on how your unit can move ahead!

Our Guest Speakers:

Tanya Horsley PhD

Dr. Horsley is the Associate Director, Research Unit at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.  She is also currently working towards completing her EMBA at the Telfer School of Management,    University of Ottawa.  Her current research explores the formalization of integrated knowledge translation for the co-creation, use and influence of research and funding.  She is a member of the faculty at the University of Ottawa where she teaches evidence synthesis methods and proudly serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions & the Canadian Medical Education Journal.

Glenn Regehr PhD

Dr Regehr serves as the Associate Director (Research) in the Centre for Health Education Scholarship, UBC, and is a Professor in the Department of Surgery. He joined the University of Toronto as a researcher in health professions education in 1993. Since then, Dr. Regehr has been involved in the development and leadership of three HPE research units across Canada: The Wilson Centre (U of T); The Academy for Innovation in Medical Education (U of O) and The Centre for Health Education Scholarship (UBC). He has co-authored over 200 peer reviewed papers and chapters on a range of topics including: OSCE measures, authentic clinical assessment, professionalism, professional identity formation, self-assessment, self-regulation, and feedback.

How does it work?

Registration is FREE, with food, speaker and venue costs covered by the AFMC and by a generous grant from the U of Manitoba.  Each University can register up to 3 people from its CPD unit.  We also are inviting representatives of key partner organizations  whom we welcome to the retreat!

Invitation to Purchase Ticket for an Evening at Corrientes Argentine Pizzeria – 6:30 pm Friday After the Retreat.  See ticket below.

Possibly the best pizza in Winnipeg located in the heart of downtown at 137 Bannatyne Avenue.

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