December 8, 2023 – Physician Wellness

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  • December 8, 2023 – Physician Wellness

This session will be online only.

Paid registration also provides access to the recording and resources post event. All recordings will be available until August 31, 2024.

Topics may include:

Conflict de-escalation | Difficult conversations, palliative care conversations | Managing patient expectations; managing patients with cluster B; moving beyond a challenging patient encounter | Historical physician burnout | Impact of COVID on wellness | Shift change handovers | Social prescribing – non-pharmacological recommendations /resources | Administrative Burden Task Force recommendations


• Understand the concept of Physician Wellness and develop a strategy for maintenance of same (Professional)
• Relate to administrative burden in primary care and formulate an approach to the management (Professional, Collaborator)
• Recognize the effects of fatigue and utilize an approach to mitigating the effects of fatigue (Professional)
• Describe the role of finances in wellness and formulate a potential plan for management (Professional, Scholar)
• Identify microaggression in the health care setting and employ strategies to interrupt microaggressions (Communicator, Leader)


0820 Welcome
0830 Physician Well-being: Strategies and Resources – Jennifer MacDonald, Physician Health Program and Policy Specialist
0930 Reducing administrative burden for the primary care providers – Ian Alexander, MD C.C.F.P
1010 Fatigue risk management and the implication for physician wellness – Joanne Hamilton, RD, MEd, EdD
1100 Stretch Break
1130 Financial wellness for Physicians; tips for financial stability – Harman Kaler, CPA, CA
1220 Addressing microaggressions in the professional space – clinical setting and on the ward – Joanne Hamilton, RD, MEd, EdD
1320 Closing


Please download the Physician Wellness Agenda here