This session will be online only.

Paid registration also provides access to the recording and resources post event. All recordings will be available until August 31, 2024.

Topics may include:

Conflict de-escalation | Difficult conversations, palliative care conversations | Managing patient expectations; managing patients with cluster B; moving beyond a challenging patient encounter | Historical physician burnout | Impact of COVID on wellness | Shift change handovers | Social prescribing – non-pharmacological recommendations /resources | Administrative Burden Task Force recommendations


• Understand the concept of Physician Wellness and develop a strategy for maintenance of same (Professional)
• Relate to administrative burden in primary care and formulate an approach to the management (Professional, Collaborator)
• Recognize the effects of fatigue and utilize an approach to mitigating the effects of fatigue (Professional)
• Describe the role of finances in wellness and formulate a potential plan for management (Professional, Scholar)
• Identify microaggression in the health care setting and employ strategies to interrupt microaggressions (Communicator, Leader)


0820 Welcome
0830 Physician Well-being: Strategies and Resources – Jennifer MacDonald, Physician Health Program and Policy Specialist
0930 Reducing administrative burden for the primary care providers – Ian Alexander, MD C.C.F.P
1010 Fatigue risk management and the implication for physician wellness – Joanne Hamilton, RD, MEd, EdD
1100 Stretch Break
1130 Financial wellness for Physicians; tips for financial stability – Harman Kaler, CPA, CA
1220 Addressing microaggressions in the professional space – clinical setting and on the ward – Joanne Hamilton, RD, MEd, EdD
1320 Closing


Please download the Physician Wellness Agenda here