Online: College of Pharmacists of Manitoba Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules
Online: College of Pharmacists of Manitoba Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules
College of Pharmacists of Manitoba Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules provide a strong foundation in provincial and federal pharmacy jurisprudence. These self-study modules must be completed by all new CPhM applicants, including pharmacists (domestically and internationally educated), interns, and pharmacy technicians-in-training before they can write the CPhM (more…)
Program Coordinator
Sarah Harvey
Program Coordinator, CPD - Medicine
Office of Continuing Competency and Assessment
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Tel: 431-373-9952
Dr. Elizabeth Tippett Pope Lectureship in Patient Care 2025: AI in Dentistry – Legal Considerations and Risk Management
Dr. Elizabeth Tippett Pope Lectureship in Patient Care 2025: AI in Dentistry – Legal Considerations and Risk Management
The Dr. Elizabeth Tippett Pope Lectureship in Patient Care is proud to present: AI in Dentistry: Legal Considerations and Risk Management November 15, 2025 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (CST) IN-PERSON ONLY Description Learning Objectives A Speaker Dr. Peter Fritz, LLM, PhD, FRCD(C), FACD, MBA, DDS Dr. Peter Fritz stands at (more…)