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Venue: Victoria Inn
Victoria Inn
Brandon Primary Care Fall Conference 2017
Brochure: Brandon Fall Brochure_FNL
Prairie Mountain Health has collaborated with U of M CPD Medicine Program to offer a twice-yearly program entitled the Brandon Primary Care Conference. This program is designed to provide a wide range of timely and challenging topics relevant to physicians working in outpatient and inpatient settings. This program features a combination of lectures, case studies and hands-on activities.
Global Objectives:
- Provide an overview of the factors that contribute to difficult encounters with patients
- Review some general strategies for promoting more positive encounters with patients
- Discuss essential medications in palliative care
- Examine he risks of common geriatric pain medications
- Explore realistic interdisciplinary pain control strategies to decrease medication
- Contrast the presentation of Alzheimer’s type of dementia with other common forms of dementia
- List strategies for gathering clinical data needed to diagnose common forms of dementia
- Identify the distortions in thinking about depression and expand repertoire of treatment options
- Develop a plan of follow up for the maintenance of depression recovery
- Identify syndromes of psychosis in the elderly and find treatment options aside from use of D2 antagonists
- Encourage the family in treatment plans and developing alliances
- Explain how primary care providers can address their patients’ needs in responding to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) through conversations on eligibility criteria, implementation and clinical and ethical challenges
Friday, November 17, 2017
Workshop #1 – Splinting and Taping Techniques for Minor Injuries
Facilitator: Mike Templeton
Workshop #2 – Basic Cardiac Life Support (Cancelled)
Facilitator: Milton Good
Saturday, November 18, 2017
0800-0825 Registration and Breakfast
0825-0830 Welcome and Introduction – Corne Vlok
0830-0915 Dealing with Difficult Patients – Karen Dyck
0915-1000 Essential Medications in Palliative Care – Edward (Ted) St Godard
1000-1015 Nutrition Break
1015-1145 Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) – Kim Wiebe
1145-1230 Pain Control in the Elderly – Elizabeth Rhynold
1230-1330 Lunch and Visit Display Booths
1330-1415 Recognizing Different Dementia Phenotypes – Elizabeth Rhynold
1415-1500 Depression and Anxiety – Don Lint
1500-1545 Antipsychotics in the Elderly – Don Lint
1545 Closing Remarks – Corne Vlok
Please note: We were not able to book rooms at the Victoria Inn. Please arrange your room accommodations with the Days Inn and Suites (2130 Currie Blvd, Brandon, MB) prior to registering for the program. Please contact the reservation desk at: 204-727-3600 and quote “U of M Medical Conference” or Account: 539-550147 to receive the conference rate. Rooms are blocked until November 3, 2017.