Event Date & TimeClick the calendar icon to add events to your Personal Calendar
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Venue: Elkhorn Resort Spa & Conference Centre
Elkhorn Resort Spa & Conference Centre
Venue Phone: 1-866-355-4676
Address:Brandon Primary Care Spring Conference 2018
The Brandon Primary Care Conference is designed to provide a wide range of timely and challenging topics relevant to physicians working in outpatient and inpatient settings. The main program objectives are to enhance clinical competence and improve patient care. This program will feature a combination of lectures, case studies and hands-on activities.
Overall Objectives:
At the conclusion of this educational activity, the participants should be able to:
- Identify common lesions and evidence-based treatments for common skin lesions observed in primary care
- Demonstrate how to perform a skin biopsy and other skin lesions treatments.
- Discuss the complications of skin biopsies and treatments with their patients.
- Demonstrate correct technique for performing a spirometry assessment.
- Interpret spirometry results and communicate this with their patients.
- Demonstrate how to assess a patient who suffers from imbalance and recurrent falls
- Identify correct technique for teaching patients with balance difficulties
- Integrate health equity in to your practice
- Review clinical updates of sepsis management
- Early recognition and management of patients with sepsis or septic shock.
- Examine the effectiveness of newer drugs used in treating diabetes and dyslipidemia
- Review the new guidelines for hypertension and COPD
- Management and treatment of depression
- Introduce novel medication classes and indications for therapy
- Identify, manage and treat the diabetic foot
- Examine best practices for the prevention and treatment of wounds
- Review diagnostic testing and management of pediatric ADHD
Saturday (0800 – 1615)
Physician: $200*
Nurse/Other Health Professionals: $100*
Resident/Student: $35*
*Fee includes Mix and Mingle for Registrant
Above fees include one breakfast, one lunch and two refreshment breaks. Please note: Guest meals are not included in the registration fee.
Dermatology Workshop: $25 (1630 – 1715)
Friday (1300 – 1715)
Friday Workshops: $175 each
Mix and Mingle (Guest Ticket): $25
Please note: The Workshop registrations do not include the Mix and Mingle dinner.
Refund Policy:
A registration refund will be made upon written request prior to April 30, 2018. A$35 fee will be retained for administrative costs. No refunds will be made for cancellations after April 30, 2018.
Friday, May 11, 2018
1300 – 1500 Skills Workshop: Office Spirometry Lisa Thibeault
1515 – 1715 Skills Workshop: Fall Prevention and Balance Problems Diana Sanchez-Ramirez
1800 – 2130 Mix and Mingle Dinner
Saturday, May 12, 2018
0800 – 0825 Check-in and Breakfast
0825 – 0830 Welcome and Introduction Corne Vlok
0830 – 0915 Poverty and Health Sharon MacDonald
0915 – 1000 Sepsis Workup Ganesan Abbu
1000 – 1015 Nutrition Break
1015 – 1100 Therapeutic Update – Diabetes, Hypertension Jamie Falk
1100 – 1145 Therapeutic Update – Dyslipidemia, COPD and Depression Jamie Falk
1145 – 1300 Lunch and Visit Display Booths
1300 – 1345 Pediatric ADHD Simon Trepel
1345 – 1430 Diabetic Foot: Investigation, Management and Outcome John Embil
1430 – 1445 Nutrition Break
1445 – 1530 Wound Care Management Update John Embil
1530 – 1615 Dermatology Procedures Shane Silver
1615 – 1630 Closing Remarks Corne Vlok
1630 – 1715 Small Group Skills Workshop: Dermatology Procedures Shane Silver
Please Note: Each Workshop is limited to 15 participants.
To receive the University of Manitoba room booking rate, please use Promo Code BPC18 (Brandon Primary Care). Elkhorn Resort Spa & Conference Centre: 1-866-355-4676. Please state you are with the Brandon Primary Care Spring Conference.