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  • HPE Scholarship Day - Oral and Poster PresentationsAug 16, 20231:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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Hosted by the Office of Innovation and Scholarship in Medical Education

Call for Abstracts
Education and the learner experience is a strategic priority for the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (RFHS). Health Professions Education Scholarship Day highlights the educational research and innovation being conducted by faculty and learners throughout RFHS and provides a space for educational scholars to network and share their research and innovations with other members of the RFHS community. A session featuring oral and poster presentations is scheduled for 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 via Zoom.

We invite abstract submissions:
From: educators, clinicians, researchers, and learners in the RFHS

For: 1) Oral presentations that will include a 10-minute presentation with slides
2) Single slide presentations that will include a 5-minute with a single slide (e.g., poster, elevator pitch, 3 MT types of presentations)

Both presentation types will be followed by a brief Q & A session.

About: Projects related to teaching and learning in the health professions from the past two years as well as works-in-progress that are one of the following:

  • Research and evaluation studies that use surveys, interviews, focus groups, learning analytics, and/or document analysis.
  • Innovations such as implementing novel pedagogical approaches, creative adaptations, and/or responding to an emergent educational need or gap.


  1. Abstracts can be submitted here
  2. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words
  3. Please include the following:
    • Title and author names (please indicate the presenter)
    • For Research and Evaluation: Description of the research problem and its relevance to teaching and learning in the health professions; methods, results and/or next steps
    • For Innovation: Description of background and purpose of the educational innovation; description of innovation; outcomes and/or next steps
  4. Select a topic category or categories:
    • Teaching and Learning – research and innovations related to classroom and clinical teaching, educational technology, learning analytics, program evaluation, etc.
    • Systems and Structures – research and innovations related to admissions processes, curricular governance, accreditation, policies (e.g., BFARs, admissions)
    • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and Anti-Oppression – research and innovations related to decolonizing, disruptive, and/or anti-oppressive approaches to education
    • Other – please describe
  5. Indicate whether you prefer an oral or single slide presentation


Submission deadline is the end of day on August 4th, 2023. Abstract decisions will be communicated no later than August 9th, 2023.

Please submit abstracts here.

If you have any questions, please contact Ashley LaRosa ashley.larosa@umanitoba.ca

Ashley LaRosa
Faculty Development Coordinator
Office of Innovation and Scholarship in Medical Education
S204, Medical Services Building, Bannatyne Campus
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
204-272-3102 phone
204-272-3169 fax