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Venue: Online: Webinar
Online: Webinar
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: I Didn’t Know What to Say: Addressing Microaggressions in Your Teaching Practice – March 2, 2022 (Webinar)
Microaggressions are everyday verbal, nonverbal and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether intentional or unintentional which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their historically excluded group membership.
By participating in this workshop, participants will
- elevate awareness surrounding racism, discrimination, and microaggressions (RDM) occurring in our own educational, clinical and professional spaces,
- share concepts associated with RDM so that we can speak a common language. Label these instances; minimize becoming the perpetrators, and
- practice communication tools and share ways to respond.
Facilitators: Jackie Gruber & Kathleen Legris
Program Coordinator
Ashley LaRosa
Ashley LaRosa Faculty Development Coordinator Office of Innovation and Scholarship in Medical Education S204, Medical Services Building, Bannatyne Campus Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Ashley.LaRosa@umanitoba.ca 204-272-3102 phone 204-272-3169 fax