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Venue: UM Bannatyne: Chown Building: Room 474, George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation
UM Bannatyne: Chown Building: Room 474, George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation
From Research to Teaching: Including the Patient Voice – May 22, 2019
In this workshop, we will describe the current and ongoing transformative efforts undertaken in the research environment to engage patients and show how these efforts can be applied to the teaching environment, examining both the challenges and benefits. Reflecting on the guiding principles and various approaches to patient engagement, as well as a case study of a patient partner who teaches in a medical school, we will guide participants in exploring ways in which educators can incorporate respectful patient involvement across the learning domains. Recommendations will be offered.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session, participants will be able to
- gain an understanding of how guiding principles and levels of patient engagement in the research environment can be applied to the education environment,
- identify opportunities to incorporate the patient voice into existing educational curricula, and
- appreciate the challenges and benefits of having patients’ voices within educational programming.
Presenters: Gayle Halas and Alanna Baldwin