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Venue:   UM Bannatyne: Room R170

UM Bannatyne: Room R170

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As oral healthcare professionals, we are responsible for inventorying our knowledge base, skill level and the overall effectiveness of our practice in relation to standards in rendering optimal patient care. It is through this lens that dental hygienists must pursue continuing competency. How do you measure your continuing competency and how do you improve upon your competency? Do you aim to be all you can be as a dental hygienist?

Last year the University of Manitoba’s School of Dental Hygiene partnered with the Manitoba Dental Hygienists Association to co-host this ground-breaking continuing education program. The program was so successful, we decided to offer another program this year, with many changes in course content.

This fast-paced, interactive, case-based, and thought-provoking, full-day course, helps participants to examine a ‘day-in-the-life’ of a dental hygienist with quality improvement as the driver. The day begins with critical thinking about dental hygiene care plans specific to a newcomer to Canada. Throughout the day, participants will critique and refine clinical interventions, and experience hands-on exercises in performing intra- and extra-oral examinations, and periodontal and implant instrumentation. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to work with new prevention materials, review current risk assessment tools and explore ergonomic strategies to ensure the health of the practitioner. In order to fully engage in the program, participants will be given the opportunity to read key articles and review other resources, several weeks before the course. Those who complete these pre-course activities may be eligible for hours toward continuing competency requirements.

During lunch, a product demonstration by Crest/Oral B will provide an optional learning opportunity. At the end of the afternoon, participants are invited to a reception where they may talk with course instructors, industry representatives, and dental hygienist colleagues and have a chance to win several door prizes.


Mary Bertone, RDH, BSc (DH), MPH
Assistant Professor, Director, School of Dental Hygiene,
College of Dentistry, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Manitoba

And other faculty members of the School of Dental Hygiene

The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Manitoba is proud to partner with the Manitoba Dental Hygienists Association to host this important course.

Course Brochure: Pursuit of Clinical Excellence 2.0 BROCHURE


Up to 12  Hours of Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Credit

Pursuit of Clinical Excellence:
A Special Program for Dental Hygienists 2.0

AGENDA: May 12, 2018  8:00 – 8:30       Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 8:40       Welcome & Introductions

8:40 – 9:40       Case Study:  Newcomers

Choose from five different subjects:

Lecture/ hands-on:
9:45 – 10:45:

  • Instrumentation Review/ Hand Instruments (limited seats
  • Newest Prevention Strategies/ Product
  • Ergonomic Strategies
  • Risk Assessment Toolkit
  • Review Extra/ Intra Oral Exam

11:00 – 12:00

  • Instrumentation Review/ Hand Instruments (limited seats
  • Newest Prevention Strategies/ Product
  • Ergonomic Strategies
  • Risk Assessment Toolkit
  • Review Extra/ Intra Oral Exam

12:15 – 1:15     Luncheon and Lunch and Learn with Crest& Oral B

Lecture/ hands-on:

1:15 – 2:15:

  • Instrumentation Review/ Hand Instruments (limited seats
  • Newest Prevention Strategies/ Product
  • Ergonomic Strategies
  • Risk Assessment Toolkit
  • Review Extra/ Intra Oral Exam

2:30 – 3:30:

  • Instrumentation Review/ Hand Instruments (limited seats
  • Newest Prevention Strategies/ Product
  • Ergonomic Strategies
  • Risk Assessment Toolkit
  • Review Extra/ Intra Oral Exam

3:45 – 4:30      Closing Remarks/ Q&A
and have someone from the CMDHA discuss how to use the day for CCR CE.


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