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  • InfluencerOct 19, 2018 - Oct 20, 20188:00 am - 4:30 pm


Venue:   Canad Inns Health Sciences Centre

Canad Inns Health Sciences Centre

720 William Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 3J7

* You must be logged in to purchase event tickets.

*Registration is now full.  If you would like to be added to a Wait List, please contact Amanda Osorio at aosorio@wrha.mb.ca.



The best leaders know how to get individuals to work together to accomplish goals. Often we struggle to enable our colleagues to complete projects on time and on budget. We do our best to motivate colleagues and health care service providers for needed changes, or to demonstrate more concern for safety and follow procedures. In short, we continually work on ways to exert our influence, but we regularly fall short.


  • Discover the three keys to influence—what do successful influencers do that separates them from the rest.
  • Identify Crucial Moments—the moments where enacting the right behavior will have an enormous effect on results.
  • Study and utilize examples of positive deviance (instances when some people succeed where most others fail).
  • Learn that persistent problems do not have one root cause, but multiple causes.


Poster – Influencer


$500 – Physicians, Faculty & Healthcare Leaders


John Van Aerde, MD, MA, PhD, FRCPC

Registration Cancellation Policy:

A registration refund will be made upon written request on or before September 21, 2018. A $35 administrative fee will be retained. No refunds will be made for cancellations after this date.

* You must be logged in to purchase event tickets.
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