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Venue: UM Bannatyne: Chown Building: Room 474, George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation
UM Bannatyne: Chown Building: Room 474, George & Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation
Introduction to Observational Reviews, November 2018
- Understand non-randomized study designs and observational reviews.
- Understand the process of preparing a review question, developing the protocol & search methods and assessing study quality.
- Recognize what points to consider when including observational studies in a meta-analysis.
A mix of didactic lectures and interactive discussion will be used.
Physicians, Faculty, Staff, Other Professionals: $100
Students: $50
Maya Jeyaraman, MD, PhD; Assistant Professor
Rasheda Rabbani, PhD; Assistant Professor
Registration Cancellation Policy:
A registration refund will be made upon written request on or before November 18, 2018. A $35 administrative fee will be retained. No refunds will be made for cancellations after this date.
For more information, please contact the Knowledge Synthesis Platform at Knowledge.Synthesis@umanitoba.ca