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Venue: UM Bannatyne: Basic Medical Sciences Building: Room-Frederic Gaspard Theatre A
UM Bannatyne: Basic Medical Sciences Building: Room-Frederic Gaspard Theatre A
The MEDS Conference Saturday January 26, 2019
The MEDS Conference is a powerful educational event that casts a critical eye on the balance of benefit and harm of the interventions we prescribe every day. A collaboration between the Max Rady College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy, this full day Saturday event is free of industry support. It features accomplished speakers that will entertain and sharpen your judgement as you make therapeutic decisions with your patients.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this educational activity, the participant should be able to:
- Acknowledge the strengths and limitations of the medical evidence and clinical practice guidelines for common health conditions.
- Explore key examples from the past and present to highlight set-backs, advancements, and shifts in therapeutic approaches to the current management of acute and chronic conditions.
- Understand the responsibility of health professionals to effectively incorporate patient preference and values into therapeutic decision-making.
- Explore practical approaches to challenging therapeutic issues using clinical evidence and clinician expertise.
New This Year:
The MEDS Conference will be available to paid registrants via livestream. At Checkout you will be asked to indicate whether you will attend live at the Bannatyne Campus or via livestream from your electronic device.
Registrants will receive connection information via email the week of the event.
0830-0900 Registration & Continental Breakfast
0900-0915 Welcome & Introduction
0915-1015 Taking the BM out of EBM (a year in review) – Shawn Bugden & Jamie Falk
1015-1040 COPD: Tripling Out on Inhalers – Cait O’Sullivan
1055-1100 Audience Poll
1100-1200 Over Testing and Overtreatment: Causes, Consequences & Cures – Allen Frances
1200-1250 LUNCH – Catered by Olive Garden
1250-1325 “A bit of crumpet” to “zig-zagging”: Contemplating common contraception conundrums – Karen Toews and Grace Frankel
1325-1350 National Pharmacare – Doug Eyolfson
1350-1355 Audience Poll
1355-1420 Meds for Glucocorticoid Associated OP: What’s to be gained? – Cait O’Sullivan
1420-1445 You Say Tomato, I Say Tomatomab, Lets Call the Whole Thing Off?: Biosimilars in Practice – Shawn Bugden
1500-1535 Reporting Lab Results – The cause of, and the solution to, the overdiagnosis problem – James McCormack (via web cast)
1535-1600 Urinary Incontinence and Dementia – Kristina Swain
1600-1625 Directly Applying the Evidence for Topical Analgesics – Jamie Falk
1625-1630 End/Closing
Study Credits:
This event was co-developed with the CPD Medicine Program, University of Manitoba and was planned to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity and balance.
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the CPD Medicine Program, University of Manitoba for a maximum of 6.25 hours.
This program has been accredited for a maximum of 6.25 CEU by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba. CPhM File No. 19002M.
Participants should only claim credit for the actual number of hours attended.
The University of Manitoba CPD Medicine Program is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME).
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada has provided an educational grant in support of this event.