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Venue: UM Bannatyne: Basic Medical Sciences Building: Room-Frederic Gaspard Theatre A
UM Bannatyne: Basic Medical Sciences Building: Room-Frederic Gaspard Theatre A
Stroke Day 2019
Stroke day is a full day of education about stroke and related cerebrovascular diseases. This will include hyper acute, acute, inpatient and outpatient managements of stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic), stroke prevention at family physician’s office, management of atrial fibrillations and uses of anticoagulation, TIA recognitions and managements, stroke in young, brain images in stroke and an update on stroke rehabilitation.
During the course of Stroke Day, participants will have the opportunity to:
- Acquire and review clinical knowledge relevant to full family medicine practice.
- Meet and network with colleagues.
- Understand the management of young patients with stroke
- Identify high risk patients presenting with stroke or TIA
- Understand the Alberta experience in managing stroke and TIA patients with PAF
- Understand the etiology of primary intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)
- Discuss the need of anticoagulation in AF patients
- Understand the new trials in endovascular stroke treatment
- Understand the need for speed and streamlined workflow for acute stroke treatment
- Recognize evidence-based practice in acute stroke in order to improve the referral/transition process
0730 Registration and Coffee
0800 Welcome – Esseddeeg Ghrooda MD, FRCPC
Acute Ischemic Stroke – Hot from the press – Moderator: Jai Shankar MD
0830 IV Thrombolysis-latest evidence Ashfaq Shuaib MD, FRCPC, FAHA, FAAN, FANA
0855 Endovascular Thrombectomy (EVT)-latest evidence James McEachern MD, FRCPC
0920 Stroke Unit-evidence Gord Gubitz MD, FRCPC
0945 15 Minute Panel Discussion – with a case presentation
1000 Break
Stroke-Hemorrhage/Children/System – Moderator: Joe Silvaggio BSc, MD, FRCSC
1015 ICH-Anticoagulation Anurag Trivedi MD, FRCPC
1040 SAH Zul Kaderali, MD FRCSC
1105 Stroke in Children Mubeen Rafay MB.BS, FCPS, MSc
1130 Advancing Stroke Systems of Care in Canada: Reflections on Progress in Manitoba Patrice Lindsay RN, PhD
1150 10 Minute Panel Discussion
1200 Lunch & (Residents Panel 12:15-12:30)
Stroke Prevention – Moderator: Brian Schmidt, MD, FRCPC
1300 Atrial Fibrillation-management/anticoagulation Gord Gubitz MD, FRCPC
1325 TIA/Minor Stroke Ashfaq Shuaib MD, FRCPC, FAHA, FAAN, FANA
1350 Carotid Stenosis-management Arturo Tamayo MD
1415 15 Minute Panel Discussion
1430 Break
Miscellaneous – Moderator: Arturo Tamayo. MD
1445 Imaging in Stroke-latest evidence Jai Shankar, MD
1505 Rehab (early and late) in Stroke-latest evidence Sepideh Pooyania, MD, FRCPC
1525 Update (tips and pointers to improve patient care) Angela Robinson, MD
1545 10 Minute Panel Discussion
1600 Evaluations and Closing Esseddeeg Ghrooda, MD, FRCPC
(Topics may be subject to change.)
Click here for a full printable agenda
Study Credits
This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been approved by the CPD Medicine Program, University of Manitoba for up to 6.0 Mainpro+ credits.
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the CPD Medicine Program, University of Manitoba for a maximum of 6.0 hours.
Participants should only claim credit for the actual number of hours attended.
This event is also available via MBTelehealth sites throughout Winnipeg and Manitoba. Please check your site for availability and reserve prior to registering.
Physician: $200
Nurse Practitioner/Nurse: $75
Other Health Professional: $75
Resident/Student: $40
This event is available via MBTelehealth sites throughout Winnipeg and Manitoba. Please check your site for availability and reserve prior to registering. This event is also available via livestream. You will be emailed connection information prior to the event. Please specify your attendance at checkout.