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  • Patient Safety Think TankApr 17, 20181:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Venue:   UM Bannatyne: Apotex Centre: Room-061

UM Bannatyne: Apotex Centre: Room-061

University of Manitoba, 750 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 0T5

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The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, in affiliation with the Manitoba Institute of Patient Safety, is embarking on a project to examine and, where needed, enhance the teaching of patient safety competencies for the health professions at the University of Manitoba. The goal of the Think Tank is to begin discussing where concepts related to the safety competencies are currently taught, what gaps might exist, and develop an action plan for moving forward.  It is our hope that we can build upon each curriculum’s strengths and learn from each other’s approaches to ensure that our graduates have the knowledge and skills to practice safely in their profession, and contribute to a culture of patient safety.

Guest Speaker:

Christopher Hillis

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