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Venue: UM Bannatyne: Chown Building, TBA
UM Bannatyne: Chown Building, TBA
Three Workshop Opportunities: R for Statistical Analysis, February – March, 2019
R is a highly adaptable, no-cost programming environment for statistical analysis and visualization. You can learn basic, intermediate, and/or advanced skills with the Centre for Healthcare Innovation Data Science platform’s R workshops.
Register for any or all for the workshops based on your level of experience with R.
(1) Beginner: R for Absolute Beginners
This workshop series will introduce participants to R and RStudio by providing instruction and hands on exercises. Participants will leave with an understanding of basic principals in the use of R for data analysis, including the basics of importing data, data manipulation, and simple graphics. No programming experience is required.
- Introduce R and RStudio
- Learn about the basic data structures in R
- Practice basics of importing and exporting datasets
- Introduce basic data management techniques
- Learn elementary graphic functions for data visualization
This course will run on February 4, 6, 11, and 13 from 1:30pm – 3:30pm each day.
Room 474, Chown Building, 753 McDermot Avenue
$50.00 – Academic, Researchers and Students
(2) Intermediate: Using R for Basic Stats
This hands-on workshop will get you ready to do basic statistical analyses in R. Previous introductory experience with R (e.g, our “R for Absolute Beginners”) will be assumed. We will discuss: odds ratios, correlations, t-tests, chi-squared tests, and linear and logistic regression.
- Ability to conduct basic statistical analyses of your own data using R
- Increased understanding of when to use t-tests, chi-square tests, linear and logistic regression and how to do so in R
- Greater appreciation for situations where more advanced techniques might be appropriate
This course will run on February 25, 27, March 4, and 6 from 1:30pm – 3:30pm each day.
Room 207, Chown Building, 753 McDermot Avenue
$50.00 – Academic, Researchers and Students
(3) Advanced: Multilevel Models for Hierarchical Data with R
Previous experience with R and linear regression with any software will be assumed.
Multilevel models are extensions of regression for data that have a hierarchical (or nested) structure. This two half-day workshop provides an intensive introduction to multilevel models. The workshop will focus on hands-on understanding and draw from examples across the social and health sciences.
After completing the course, students will:
- Understand the concept of multilevel model: varying regression coefficients between groups;
- Know the technical and substantive difference between fixed and random effects;
- Understand random intercepts, random coefficients, and crossed random effects models and know when to use each one;
- Know how to estimate these models with R and interpret the result.
This course will run on March 11 & 13 from 1:30pm – 4:30pm each day.
Room 207, Chown Building, 753 McDermot Avenue
$50.00 – Academic, Researchers and Students
Contact Information:
For more information, please email Kristine.Kroeker@umanitoba.ca.
Registration Cancellation Policy:
A registration refund will be made upon written request on or before three days prior to each event. A $35 administrative fee will be retained. No refunds will be made for cancellations after this date.