This session will be online only.
Paid registration also provides access to the recording and resources post event. All recordings will be available until August 31, 2025.
Topics may include:
Patient’s perspective| Community supports |Multidisciplinary teams |Joint care plans
- Comprehend the health care system in the province of Manitoba. ( medical expert, scholar , leader, communicator)
- Recognize the role of self-regulation.( medical expert, leader, advocate, collaborator)
- Identify the mainpro+ update.(scholar, medical expert)
- Recognize the role of the family medicine department University of Manitoba in the health care system in the province. (professional, medical expert, advocate, leader)
- Recognize the importance of managing Conflict of Interest in medical education.( professional, medical expert, scholar)
0820 Welcome
0830 Understanding Manitoba’s Health Care System – Dr. Jose Francois and Lanette Siragusa
1000 Understanding Self – Regulation –Dr. Mihalchuck
1100 Stretch Break
1130 Conflict of interest in medical education – Dr. Appel and Dr. Gergis
1230 Understanding the New Mainpro+ System- Jessica Black, Director of CPD, and Sara Gambino, Mainpro+ Coordinator
1300 Closing