This session will be online only.

Paid registration also provides access to the recording and resources post event. All recordings will be available until August 31, 2025.

Topics may include:

Patient’s perspective|  Community supports |Multidisciplinary teams |Joint care plans



  1. Comprehend the health care system in the province of Manitoba. ( medical expert, scholar , leader, communicator)
  2. Recognize the role of self-regulation.( medical expert, leader, advocate, collaborator)
  3. Identify the mainpro+ update.(scholar, medical expert)
  4. Recognize the role of the family medicine department University of Manitoba in the health care system in the province. (professional, medical expert, advocate, leader)
  5.  Recognize the importance of managing Conflict of Interest in medical education.( professional, medical expert, scholar)


0820 Welcome

0830 Understanding Manitoba’s Health Care System – Dr. Jose Francois and Lanette Siragusa

1000 Understanding Self – Regulation –Dr. Mihalchuck

1100  Stretch Break

1130 Conflict of interest in medical education – Dr. Appel and Dr. Gergis

1230 Understanding the New Mainpro+ System- Jessica Black, Director of CPD, and Sara Gambino, Mainpro+ Coordinator 

1300 Closing