This session will be online only.

Paid registration also provides access to the recording and resources post event. All recordings will be available until August 31, 2024.


• Review new medications related to obesity medicine (Family Medicine Expert, Professional)
• Identify new treatments for chronic kidney disease (Family Medicine Expert, Professional)
• Summarize evidence-based medicine recommendations for dyslipidemia (Scholar, Professional)
• Review the new Osteoporosis Guidelines (Family Medicine Expert, Professional)
• Compare the risk and benefits of a Omnivorous vs Vegan Diet (Health Advocate, Collaborator)


0820 Welcome

0830 Reviewing the new PEER Simplified Lipid Guidelines – Dr. Michael Kolber

0920 Updates in Chronic Kidney Disease – Dr. Navdeep Tangri

1010 Reviewing the new Osteoporosis Guidelines – Dr. Suzanne Morin

1100 Stretch Break

1130 Updates in Obesity Medicine – Dr. Jonathan Gabor

1220 Describing her famous Omnivorous vs Vegan Diet in Identical Twins Study – Dr. Cate Ward