In a world of burgeoning medical knowledge, self-directed learning (SDL) is an essential skill for medical practitioners. What may be considered significant today can become rapidly out of date, and new therapies, diagnoses and techniques are always emerging. Therefore, in order to meet the challenges of maintaining competency, physicians must consider self-directed learning and traineeships as critical components of their continuing professional development.

Self Directed Learning

Self-directed learning allows you to manage your knowledge acquisition more personally.  Self-directed learners benefit from creating a learning plan and make a commitment to fulfilling their goals through inquiring and solving problems, choosing relevant resources and remaining motivated in improving their performance. You control where, what, when and how you learn. There are a wide range of options for self-directed learners.

Self-Directed Clinical Traineeships

Self-directed clinical traineeships are planned learning experiences designed to meet an identified need, to learn new knowledge and skills or enhance current ones. Traineeships require the identification of learning objectives and a supervisor who will help you to plan learning activities that meet your objectives.